Name: Linus
Age: 16
Experiance: I know a lot about wz edit and also code a server. I am really good with netbeans (if that needs <-).
I am a fun including a good person also. I've been playing maplestory private servers since odinms came out.
I've been playing the real maplestory since 2007.
I can add stuffs including new items from another ver. As I said before I know how to use netbeans means I can add codes and other.
Although I'm good at these things are there more things I'm good at but I'm not going to sit here and write down everything and add lots of important parts, but I will leave it as needed.
Why should we choose you: Same thing on this I'm not going to sit here and write down the mass of the important details here, but I write what is needed:
I am a person focused on what we do and I let nothing get in the way of me if I'm focused on something, I finish my work when I'm done with everything, for example, the following things:
add custom things
Wz edits.
and more ....
IGN: Revolter
Location/Time Zone: Sweden/astorp
Active times: I'll be active a lot now since it is summer and I got no school, whoopie? ^^
hmm either I would be online like 7hours + a day?
What can you do to help the server: I can help the server by coding stuffs and make new commands and add stuffs and keep hackers away from the server. I can answer peoples question, it's not so easy to help a player while you are a player because they don't listen to you because they think you are "noob" and they are so focused on the GM so they ignores you...
if someone says that this is short, so okay?
I do not care for an application must not be long for it to be good / best.
It must be able and have the correct information.