Name :Jen
Age :16
Time Zone :GMT+1
IGN :AwesomeneSS
Why you want to be a GM :I want to help people in the server when they need help, im very active so im almost always there for every single player.
What you will do as a GM :I will help people if they are in trouble, i never go afk so players can contact me always when im online.
How you can help the server as a GM :I will do my best for the server, i think i will help the server make the number of hackers/glitchers less, and make a great community between all players.
How long you have played NightMareMS :I haven't played so long, maybe 1-2 days, xD! but i have played many different private servers, and i have experience.
How long you play NightMareMS per day : i can play 4-10 hours a day.
How long you have played GMS :i havent played GMS, i play EMS, and i have played EMS since it started.
What makes you stand out :people's smile. estimation of the staff, everything like that.
What commands you will mainly use as a gm :I don't know really, We will see.
Experience as a GM :I think i have the experience of many commands, and making people join fast.
Will you quit this server if your application is denied? :Of course not, i think i can help people on some way without being a GM.