Location/Time Zone:California/PST
Active times:Almost everyday
What can you do to help the server:I can help solve arguments and look out for hackers.I would give Alex suggestions on how to improve the server. I've been advertising for this server everyday since it opened.
Why do you wish to become a GM:I wish to become a GM because I want to make a difference in this server because it is one of the best I've ever played.
What is your main language?
My main language is English because I was born in US, but I'm Viet.
How long have you been playing Maple?
I've been playing for a year now so I know the ins and outs of it.
How loyal are you?
I would never betray anyone no matter what.
How can we contact you?
I'm on XAT everyday at random times and you can reach me at
forgottenshadowninja@gmail.comIf you suspect someone of hacking what will you do:
I would go in hide and record the person and if I see him/her hacking I would ban him/her.
What if GMs get in a fight:
If GMs got in a fight I would ask what's the problem and try to help solve it.
If two players get in a fight what would you do?
See why they are in a fight and tell them to calm down.Then I would get both sides of the story and solve the fight.
Do you have MSN Messenger installed and working?
How long have you been playing NightMareMS?
I've played for 5 days including when Alex was testing it out.
Have you ever been a GM and in what servers?
I've been a GM for many servers,but they are all shutdown by Nexon T.T
Do you acknowledge that everything on this application is 100% true?
Yes, I acknowledge everything I have said is 100% true.
About me: I am 13 years old learning how to code. I have an older brother in high school teaching me. I believe I can learn how to code because I am a nerd who always gets 4.0s in my report card. I'm very friendly and know most of the players on this server.