Name :xiaowilly
Age :16 ( 11aug1994)
Time Zone : (GMT - +08:00 Singapore)
IGN :xiiaowilly
Why you want to be a GM :i want to be a gm because i want to help those player whenever they need gm helps , and catch those hacker in our server and make sure our server is hacking free.
What you will do as a GM : Help out as much as i could and even online help , get all player to vote our server to get top . Catch those hacker,
How you can help the server as a GM :i can help by asking alot ppl to join our server, but even i not gm i will still ask them play. i can adv this server to ppl through my blog and invite more player to the server
How long you have played IdyllicStory :3day time is short but experience is the most gm need.
How long you play IdyllicStory per day :i can play more then 8hour per day
How long you have played GMS :never but i spend 2year on ps
What makes you stand out :
What commands you will mainly use as a gm :
!map + map code to a map ,!ban+ player name to ban hacker , !jail + player name mainly on those player offences to gms , !connected ( check how may player online now ) ,!waphere+ player name wrap player to me ,!warp,!say ,!shop open up gms shop
Experience as a GM : for a number of ms i forget them =( sorry